Call of Duty Mobile vs PUBG Mobile: Who Takes Home This Deathmatch?

pubg vs call of duty

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For a long period of time PUBG Mobile captured the screen as the best gameplay. There’s been a little issue of Fortnite. However, PUBG’s actual competition seems within the variety of Activision’s latest, Call of Duty: Mobile.

Those games are viewing to draw on a part of realism in several forms or to some extent that providing you with a mix of intense combat, variety, and completely different gameplay modes and big multiplayer action.

Here’s you can have a comparison of both the games.


However, if we are talking about the display graphics of the games. Then you will find the Unreal Engine 4 Vs Unity engine according to the games. Whereas, PUBG Mobile is using Unreal Engine 4 while Call of Duty is powered by Unity Engine.

Unreal Engine is widely used to get some more real picture of the environment and the game characters. And it is believed that the Unity engine takes more time and required more work to get a polished display that both games are giving. But you will see both the games are using different characters in it.

Although, PUBG Mobile presenting the more fine quality of graphics. While Call of Duty mobile giving a little dark which is not the same in quality-wise. It does not mean that Call of Duty providing bad but they are using different character portraying.

Secondly, PUBG Mobile having an amazing space environment that has felt like real and bright. But Call of Duty presenting a dense environment that is looking thicker definitely due to maps.

Modes of Game

And if you have made a comparison of game modes then PUBG Mobile has a number in it. As it has a battle royale mode. Both of the games are using the same layout on the screen. But PUBG Mobile has battle royale first with a variety of Arcade modes.

How to upgrades and load out the game is a big difference in both the games. PUBG Mobile is mostly about themes, outlook, skins, and outfits. This gives more energy to start the game. While Call of Duty is pushing you directly in the field of battle.

Arcade Mode

PUBG Mobile players can spontaneously grasp a way to play Call of Duty Mobile. As a result of they are comparable enough to merely transfer battle skills over it.

Once it involves arcade mode, the decision of Duty offers a far better arcade experience; better for face-paced action, slippery around, launching hunter-kill drones, etc.

However, within the battle royale, we have a tendency to still hold that PUBG appearance higher and also the pace of the game feels terribly totally different.