As you know, Empire is an American drama series that follows a story of a tycoon in the music industry. He wants to secure the future of his company. On the other side, his wife also claims the shares in his business.
Now the sixth instalment of Empire season is on the way and Tonight’s it’s the seventh episode will premiere. The title of the episode is ” Good Enough.”
The plot deal with Cookie’s realisation as music is her real love. She makes her place in the music world. Meanwhile, Lucious will try to get control of Empire by attempting to sabotage Andre’s vision for the company.
The next episode will broadcast next week, and its title will be ” Do You Remember Me.”
The show broadcasts on Fox Broadcasting Company network. It will air at FOX tonight at 9 pm in the United States. Empire is a lifestyle, talent and musical genre drama series.
Here you can watch the trailer of episode 7.
In the previous episode, we saw the conversation of Cookie and Lucious, where he tells Lucious that there is no hope after what he did to her in the past.
Lucious’s childhood was abusive that created a persona to leave the past.
Now the Cookie is the new person in the series. Well, he still does haunt by the people’s actions in the past who hurt him in many ways.
Well, some have died or betrayed him. Cookie ditched him at the airport in the fifth instalment of Empire season 5 episode 16. You can watch Empire’s latest episode on Tv Fanatic.