Star Wars Rebels is an animated series created by Carrie Beck, Dave Filoni and Simon Kinberg. It is Disney ABC Domestic Television series that produced by Lucasfilm Animation.
The series is based on Star Wars by George Lucas. The first time the show premiered on 3rd October 2014. The series is set at the time of Galactic Empire’s era.
Some Jedi Knights are haunted down such as rats by the imperial forces. Well, Star Wars Rebels is preceded by Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star War Resistance.
In the cast Stars Taylor Gray, Vanessa Marshall as Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Freddie Prinze Jr. as fame who voices Kanan Jarrus, Tiya Sircar as Sabine Wren, Dave Filoni as Garazeb are included.
Moreover, Dee Bradley Baker will join the voice of the role of Captain Rex.
The fourth season it is aired on 16th October 2017 to 13th November 2017. Again series came back on 19th February 2018. Now there is another chance to get picked up and carry on the set.